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Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Few Good Ideas

There are a few things that I've notcied so far that they really got right over here. I'm sure there are others but this is what I have noticed so far:

  1. When you are driving down the road and you come to an area that is marked off with yellow stripes, you can't stop there if the traffic light turns red, or there is traffic and you just slow down to a creep. These areas are marked so that you don't block traffic from some parking lots, business exits and side streets from entering the road way. No more rude drivers that rather than leave enough space for you to pull out they pull right up to the bumper of the car in front of them...never mind the light is red and they aren't going anywhere anyway. I know you can relate! Think about the last time you went to leave the grocery store parking lot in an area where there is a lot of traffic...wouldn't it be nice for there to be a nice wide painted area reserved for you to pull out into when the traffic is backed up. OK...I know there are some of you here thinking...yeah, right...like a painted section of the road would keep...what would keep drivers from ignoring it and pulling to a stop right over it during heavy traffic? Well, here the penalties for breaking the law are strict, they don't mess around. Civil liberties...we don't need no stinking civil liberties.
  2. On a lighter side...how many times have you gone shopping and there wasn't a shopping cart available? They were all scattered about the parking lot. Well here you have to put $1 (they don't have $1 bills they have coins) into a slot on this mechanism attached to the handle on the cart (here they are called trolleys) to release the cart. After you are done with the cart you put it back, when you latch it to the cart in front of it you get your $1 back. Now isn't this a good idea? If shoppers didn't care enough about loosing their $1 you can bet that the kids in the area would be staking out the parking lot to put the carts back to get the $1. Kinda like when we used to return glass Coke bottles for candy money when I was little. I think it's a great idea. Before I knew you got $1 back I thought it was just another way Singapore had to get money out of you.

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