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Friday, May 25, 2007


Ok...I have come to the conclusion that Singapore women must not wear slips under their skirts and dresses. Avery has her 8th grade dance tonight. Last night we went on a search for a 1/2 slip to wear under her dress. Why did I wait until the last minute? What was I thinking? Had I known that our trip to one of the largest, newest malls on the island wouldn't have a store that carried slips I would have started looking months ago or had someone send one over to us. Not only did the stores we went in not carry them, they looked at us like we had lost our minds. And I'm sure I was giving them the same look back. The sales ladies in one store, hell I'll name names TANGS, were all standing around not doing a damn thing including offering assistance to Avery and I as we scoured the lingerie department for a slip. I asked the lady in the section to the far left of the department and she sent us all the way over to the far right end. Of course when we got there they didn't carry them. The lady looked at me like she didn't even know what I was talking about. I asked if they knew of a store where we might find one (which is something I would have offered on my own if I had been the salesperson) and of course she had no idea. At that point you know I couldn't resist making some smart a** remark about the women in Singapore not wearing slips....EWWW! .... especially since everyone was being so friendly and helpful, NOT! So, leaving the mall...slipless...I told Avery I would go look today at lunch. And again, no luck, even in a lingerie store...where that is all they sell. Where is a Kohl's or Wal-mart when you need one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should start sellin them there! Haha. I hope your daughter had a great time at the dance.