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Monday, April 30, 2007

Why Can't they Make Iced Tea?

Ok...here in Singapore there are tea shops, places that sell tea leaves and all sorts of tea kettles/pots. I know they are mainly for drinking hot tea. But darn it! it's sweltering over here...why can't I go into a restaurant and order a plain ole' Iced Tea? Instead I have to order Iced Lemon Tea which comes in a can and is sweetened already. They have the same brands we have back home like Nestle and Lipton (I think?) plus others I've never heard of. I just don't get it. How come they act like they have never heard of making regular iced tea so I can sweeten it as I like? Note to self: From now on, don't give in. If you want Iced Tea, then let them figure it out. It isn't that hard.

1 comment:

MouthGirl.com said...

It occurred to me to tell you about Pandora, I'm not sure what you do for music there, but they have an incredible collection of country, old and new and you don't deal with ads like on yahoo...www.pandora.com - streaming audio.
I would hate having to explain Iced Tea, seems like you'd have to be dense not to understand it.