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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back In Singapore

Well, I got back and spent Saturday afternoon shopping at Carrefour. The closest thing to a Super Wal-Mart Singapore has. Starting over from scratch is expensive. I spent a ton of money and feel like I still don't have enough ingredients to cook anything. People say that you can eat cheaper here than you can cook. That may be so but Avery would probably be eating fried rice every meal. Unfortunately her and I don't like the same things or we could share a dish. Most meals are big enough to share. I like spicy and she doesn't and she likes onions and I don't. Rob and I spent a while on the phone figuring out what to ship over and what to store. It seems like every five minutes I think of something else. Hopefully it won't take too long to get everything boxed up and shipped. For now I just have to remind myself that this is only temporary and that soon it will be more like home. Avery and I sure miss Rob and Blair...and all our family and friends back home. Pleased hit the comment link below and leave us message.

It's Sunday night, I imagine Rob will be calling soon. I'm sure he will want to talk to Avery. Avery went to Malaysia with my mom and dad for the weekend. I bet that was a nice change of pace. She bought several DVD's while she was there. Now if we only had a DVD player. Tomorrow Avery should start back at gymnastics. I'm sure it will be tough. She hasn't been to gym in about 3 weeks (not counting the one day she worked out here). I'm sure she will be sore. I hope she likes it and sticks with it. I'll give her something to do when I have to start working more hours. Well, gotta go. I'll try not to bore you with the day to day stuff and concentrate on any unique things that happen. Oh! That reminds me, I've had several people comment thinking I was from Australia, even the cab driver that brought me home Saturday from the airport. There were a lot of Australians on the rig and I couldn't understand half of what they said, I don't see how anyone could think I was Australian. Maybe most Caucasian people they see are from Australia because it's so much closer than the US.

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