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Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm Giving Them Fair Warning

I keep hearing on the news back home about all the flight delays with American Airlines and this has me a little concerned since we are due to fly home in May - ONE day before daughter no. 1 graduates from Texas A&M. Now you may be thinking, well if you are that worried about it then why don't you change your flight and leave earlier allowing yourself more time? I wish we could but you see daughter no. 2 will still be in school. She will be missing classes the whole time we are gone. It's not like she's only in the first grade where it really doesn't matter. She's in the 9th grade and it being near the end of the school year it's likely she will either miss some exams or miss the review for her exams that she will have when we get back. School here is pretty tough and she can't afford to miss too many days that close to the end of the school year. At first I thought I only needed to be mainly concerned about weather related flight delays. Those are the ones where no one is responsible and there's not much you can do about it. Then there is the type of delay that is cause by some lazy airline employee not doing his/her job technical problem. This type of delay happened to hubby and daughter no. 2 when they flew in from Singapore last summer. When they arrived in Chicago where they had to go through customs they happen to get there the same time as 9 million other people and it took them 2 hours to get through customs. Needless to say they missed their connection to Houston. They ended up on a flight to San Antonio where they rented a car and drove to Houston, to get their luggage that went on made it with out them - now how does that happen? So, after flying for 20+ hours they had to drive from San Antonio to Houston then another 2 hours to Midway,TX. I was in a panic thinking hubbie would doze off while driving just a little worried. American Airlines says that it should be back to a normal schedule this Sunday. Now we aren't even flying on American Airlines, but I just wonder which Airlines will be next. In March it was Southwest Airlines and earlier this month it was United Airlines and US Airways. So of course we will be on Continental/NW Airlines and I'm thinking, "Oh, great! They are probably next". If by some chance we get delayed on our trip home for our daughters graduation, I will turn into the mother-from-hell and everybody better watch out! Don't say I didn't warn you - at least that's more than we can say for the airlines!


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Ooooo! The Tasmanian Devil is primed and soon to be peed. Maybe.

TBM said...

Crossing fingers for you. Congratulations to the new graduate--and the proud mom ;-)