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Thursday, January 18, 2007

How Rude!

I'm not making this stuff up! Read for yourself. This article is from today's edition of a local paper called Today.

Nip rudeness in the bud with education
Letter from Jessica Chan

COULD we include service training in our school education curriculum? I worked in the service industry for about 20 years and noticed that teens who have worked part-time in, say, an F&B outlet, behave better than teens who have never done such work.

The former group tends not to behave obnoxiously towards service providers. If a youngster is trained from school-going age to behave respectfully towards another human being (or even a property), it will be a win-win situation for all concerned.

We are trying to improve service standards, but I keep reading about rude Singaporeans almost on a daily basis and have had close encounters with quite a few myself.

We should prevent our young from turning out to be such ugly Singaporeans by educating them while their minds are still impressionable, and not only when they have started working.
It appears that these 3rd generation Singaporeans are a rude bunch. Some blame it on being raised by the family's domestic helper. If the child misbehaves or does something wrong the houskeeper gets the blame. They haven't learned any responsibilty for their own actions. They don't learn to pick up after themselves either. It's like being surrounded by a bunch of spoiled brats who always have to be first.

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