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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Quiz Results

Thank y'all for taking the time to take my little quiz. I know you are all dying to know how well you did compared to everyone else, so here are the current scores.

  • Robert (Hubbie) - 100%
  • Avery - 90%
  • Aunt Kathleen - 80%
  • Byrna (mom) - 80%
  • Kim - 80%
  • Cristie - 80%
  • Laurie - 60%
  • Sharon - 50%
  • Lynne - 40%

Well, Robert blew the curve for all of y'all. Maybe we should go on the "Newlywed Game" or something like that for people who aren't newlyweds. Way to go Avery - only missed my weakness when it comes to desserts which is cookies! If I make cookies, everytime I walk past them in the kitchen I have to eat one or two. Question is ... where is Blair? Daughter no. 1 didn't take my quiz. Just about everyone missed the one about desserts and my first car which was a silver VW Beetle. How could y'all forget??? I did have Firebird but that was after the bug. Lynne, good guess on the truck. Being from Texas, just about everyone has or has had a truck at some point. My middle name is Renae. I figured the spelling would have been a dead give-a-way for those that didn't know. And lastly....this is the car I want when I get back:

Isn't it beautiful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just took the quiz and surprisingly I got a 70! After my losing streak at the beginning I knew I was going to embarrass myself completely. It was fun trying, though.

Hi Avery!!!!!! :o)