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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Found it!

We were walking around Tanglin Mall the other day. (Acutally, that is a whole 'nuther story that I will share with you tomorrow.) Anyway, we pasted a DIY store and Rob noticed they had trash cans. You may remember me mentioning the fact that we have been without a trash can in our kitchen for quite a while now. Guess how much we had to pay for this baby? $139 Singapore Dollars!! Back home we never would have paid that much for a trash can! We wouldn't have to. We could always run to Wal-Mart or Target and probably have a huge selection to choose from. But being over here has trained us so that now when we see something you need/want, you better get it right then. If you wait you will never find it again. Just for grins I did a quick search online. I think found the same trash can on Amazon.com for $99 (not sure if that includes shipping). I'm almost positive it's the same size, it is the same brand. So actually we paid about $93 in USD, total. Now I don't feel too bad.

1 comment:

Laurie said...
