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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nothing new

Kinda preoccupied today. Our dog Sugar is sick. She spent the night last night at the animal hospital. They released her to me today and I took her to our usual vet. They said she is anemic and since there had been blood in her poop and in her vomit they need to figure out what was the cause. So they kept her and are putting her back on an IV for fluids and are going to run blood tests. They said that it could be cause by a tick, or perhaps she ate some sort of poison. I doubt that it was poison since she stays inside and we don't keep anything like that around. She had been to her doggie-day care on Monday. That is when I noticed she wasn't herself. The vet told me that there was one dog for sure, maybe two, that had picked up a viral infection from there that they had treated. Anyway, when I asked if the vet thought Sugar would be ok, she said she would consider her condition as 'guarded'. I hope they can find out what it is quickly and get her feeling better soon. (The photo was taken when we first got her. Now she has all her "Pomeranian fur")

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